LTER Project Manager
Stacey VanderWulp
(269) 671-2339
LTAR Project Manager
Brook Wilke
(269) 615-4573
GLBRC Field Site Coordinator
Stacey VanderWulp
(269) 671-2339

Your information

Proposed Project Information

Source of Funding

This information is used for NSF annual reports

Please provide the names of people in your group who will be in the field (including yourself). If they have completed WPS training (see above) then also enter their WPS training date.

Proposed Sampling Plan

Please consult with Stacey VanderWulp to make this description as specific as possible and to discuss plans that may need special handling. We recognize that plans can change based on weather and discovery, and can be appropriately flexible provided modifications are discussed with Stacey VanderWulp.

In the box below please address each of the following questions:

  1. what type of samples are needed (including amounts);
  2. where samples will be taken (see KBS LTER) for experiment treatment or site, replicate, sample station names);
  3. when sampling is expected to occur (including frequency, beginning date, end date);
  4. how samples will be collected (e.g. traps, sweeps, soil cores, etc.); and
  5. who is expected to do the sampling.

If sampling requires the deployment of special equipment (e.g., flux boxes, vertebrate traps, UAV-drone) please note the size of equipment and duration of its deployment, as well as any special requirements such as power or data loggers. Note: 1). No metal flags can be deployed in any of the plots: use fiberglass or plastic flags instead and 2) UAV operation requires prior proof of MSU approval and submission of approved flight plans to Stacey VanderWulp.

If you are proposing microplot experiments (disturbance of any kind including the application of any chemicals or water) or the addition of organisms (plants, insects, microbes, etc.) or biologics (vaccines, etc.), please describe well.

Please indicate your agreement to the following terms:

I will not fly a UAV-drone without providing proof of MSU approval and a detailed approved flight plan to Stacey VanderWulp.

WPS Pesticide Safey Training

As per EPA and MSU Worker Protection Standard (WPS) requirements, anyone on your project that enters a plot or field where pesticides have been sprayed in the previous 30 days must have valid WPS Pesticide Safety Training before entering the pesticide-treated area. Please consult the LTER website for field sites requiring WPS training and for further information. If you are uncertain whether your research requires this training, please contact Stacey VanderWulp. In general, pesticides are not used in GLBRC biomass crops except for corn, sorghum and the establishment year of perennial crops.

Please provide the names of people in your group and the dates of their completed training in the "COVID-19 Restrictions" section at the bottom of the form. Please note: 1) training is required of anyone (compensated or volunteer) entering a pesticide-treated area; 2) trainees must be at least 18 years old; and 3) training is valid for 12 months.

Does your research require WPS training?


The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) regulates the importation, transit, domestic movement and environmental release of organisms or products that impact plant and animal health. Permission from APHIS may be required for the transit and release of regulated animals, animal products, veterinary biologics, plants, plant products, pests, organisms, soil, and genetically engineered organisms.

Will you be adding organisms or biologics to a field plot (plants, insects, microbes, animals, vaccines, etc)?

Data Access

The NSF requires that data generated at KBS LTER Sites will be made available to the scientific community in a timely fashion following publication. A condition of using the KBS LTER Site (and samples from the site) is that you agree to this policy and agree to make data collected at KBS LTER accessible via the KBS LTER web site or another data repository (e.g., Environmental Data Initiative, or Dryad).

The KBS LTER web site provides access to baseline data collected by the project on a continuing basis (see the KBS LTER Data Catalog and Terms of Use). KBS LTER data managers will work with investigators to archive properly formatted data and to make it available on our web site. Guidelines for submitting data are available. You are encouraged to contact the KBS LTER or GLBRC Information Managers to discuss your data prior to submission.

Physical samples (e.g., plant, soil) may in some cases be archived in the KBS LTER sample archives. If you think your samples may have long-term value please contact Stacey VanderWulp.

Please indicate your agreement to the following data access terms: